This week’s meme comes from Apryl at Meridian Ariel.
The Halloween Meme
1. What is your favorite written work of horror fiction?
I am not a big fan of horror fiction, but my favorite would probably have to be The Other by Thomas Tryon. I remember reading it when it was first published and it enthralling.
2. What is your favorite work of science fiction/fantasy?
The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I still watch it every year — I do The Time Warp, much to my kids’ chagrin. Sadly, they don’t relate.
3. Who is your favorite monster?

4. What is your favorite Horror movie?
I don’t watch horror movies.
5. What horror movie gives you the most chills?
As noted, I don’t watch horror movies.
6. What character from any horror film would you most like to play?
I would love to be either Morticia from The Addams Family or Lily from The Munsters.
7. Freddy or Jason?
8. What is your favorite Halloween treat?
Peanut butter Rice Krispie treats.
9. Ghosts or goblins?
10. Friendly-faced jack-o’-lantern or scary one?
11. What is your scariest encounter with the paranormal?
I have had a few and I definitely believe that there are both good and evil forces. Without going into a lot of detail, I will say that I have encountered, squared off with, and, with assistance from a divine spirit, prevailed against evil. In particular, I fought one legal battle that was indisputably a war between good and evil.
12. Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?
I believe that when people die, they transition to a different realm. I do not believe in “ghosts” per se, but I do believe that there is a spiritual dimension to our lives and have had the sense many times of still being connected to people who have died.
13. Would you rather be a zombie, alien, or psycho?
I would prefer to be an alien and see what life on another planet is like.
14. Favorite Halloween costume?
My kids had a lot of cute costumes over the years, so it is hard to pick just one, but I thought #1Son was an adorable spider:
MattieBoo had the right attitude as Obama last year:
15. Best thing about Halloween?
I love to decorate my house and pass out the trick-or-treat candy because I really enjoy seeing all the little kids in their costumes and watching their eyes light up when they get more treats. I always looked forward to picking out my boys’ costumes and taking them trick-or-treating when they were young.
16. Person in your family who most likes Halloween (not counting yourself)?
I think both boys like it about as much as I do.
17. Are you superstitious?
18. Share an unusual Halloween story.
MattieBoo was born on November 16, so I was pregnant on Halloween. I could not take #1Son trick-or-treating because my ankles were so swollen I had to keep my feet elevated as much as possible. We made the usual stops at my mother-in-law and parents’ houses before heading to my sister’s neighborhood. #1Son went trick-or-treating with his cousins, as usual, but I had to stay at her house with my feet up. I was disappointed! I was in law school, commuting to Sacramento at three to four times per week, and working as a law clerk for a firm in Modesto on the days I did not have class. All that time in the car eventually got to be too much and I had to quit my job earlier than planned. I recall telling my boss, “I’m pregnant, I’m swollen, I’m through.”
19. What did you do for Halloween as a kid?
We always went trick-or-treating in our neighborhood, but our parents never went with us. They stayed home and passed out candy to the other kids.
20. What’s the best Halloween party that you’ve attended?
I recall one in the late 1970’s that started on Saturday night at the movie theater seeing The Rocky Horror Picture Show, but didn’t end until Monday morning. It was a blast.
Click here to see the list of other participants, visit their sites, and read their responses.
[New Post] Sunday Stealing: The Halloween Meme…
that is a really cute spidee…Obama costume looks funny 😀
.-= Marites´s last blog . . . Sunday Stealing#18 =-.
Great photos of costumes and the mask…outstanding!!
…..and that is Tim Curry? Whoa…great makeup job.
Oh well….I HAD Fun!! Come on over and sit a ‘spell’!!! Come visit my Sunday Stealing…it’s bewitching for sure. LOLOLOL
Click HERE
the obama mask is pretty scary
I can’t even remember how many times I saw Rocky Horror….
Have a great Sunday!
Obama costume! Yeah! 😆
.-= Jonathan´s last blog . . . Simple work regarding consolidating your student loan =-.
LOL, does this mean Obama scares some people? 🙄
Obamaaa is very funny here !
amazing post
.-= arun kumar´s last blog . . . Some Poker Definitions =-.
Rocky Horror. Good choice. However I think it’s much better to go for the whole ‘experience’ and see it in a movie theater with patrons dressed in character and shouting at the screen and throwing toast. It’s just not the same at home. lol!
.-= Lola´s last blog . . . A little help please… =-.
Awesome post! Love Rocky Horror, but especially the Time Warp! So many fond memories…thanks for taking me back!
It’s my pleasure to see this post , specially the obama mask is not scary but funny for me.
.-= rajguru´s last blog . . . No Limit Poker Cash Game =-.
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I must be one of the few people in the world who hasn’t seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show – yet. Maybe a suggestion for the weekend!
.-= Luc J´s last blog . . . Secure USB Flash Drive – Personal Pocket Safe =-.
It was fun reading your post! On my parts, Halloween is a new holiday and it doesn’t have such a tradition…
.-= Nicusor´s last blog . . . Michael Jackson – Earth Song =-.
Frankly speaking the obama picture is not scarry, it is funny. He looks like a joker in that picture.