What was the last game you purchased?
An online game subscription for my kids. They have to maintain good grades or I will discontinue it.
Name something in which you don’t believe.
Reincarnation. I just can’t buy into it, particularly since I find no support for the theory anywhere in the Bible.
If you could choose a celebrity to be your boss, who would you pick?
I think Paul Newman would be an effective leader. He’s very intelligent, perceptive, seems to have a no nonsense approach, sincere work ethic and inherent belief in justice, but a lot human compassion and commitment to the “family first” principle. He also believes in giving back, as evidenced by the zillions of dollars he has given to various charities through his food company and foundation he established following his son’s death.
Main Course
What was a lesson you had to learn the hard way?
It seems that I learn the same lesson over and over: People are phony and have ulterior motives which causes them to engage in duplicitous behavior. Self-advancement and self-promotion are the prime motivators in some folks’ lives.
I tend to believe that people are genuinely decent, compassionate, and strive to do the right thing, so I get disappointed from time to time.
Describe your idea of the perfect relaxation room.
My fantasy relaxation center has a lot of windows overlooking the beach. There is a large, extremely soft bed with a down comforter and tons of pillows, and a fireplace with a large supply of wood stacked next to it. There is also a widescreen television and DVD player. There are bookshelves lined with DVD’s, music CD’s, and piano and flute music. There is a grand piano and, of course, my flute and piccolo. There is also a computer work center.
And no clock.
I love the days with no clocks!
Cynthia Blue’s last blog post..Friday Feast Meme
I so agree with your main course. It’s a shame isn’t it. I too try to see only the good, but sometimes it just isn’t possible. Have a great FF and weekend. 🙂
Comedy Plus’s last blog post..Friday’s Feast – One Hundred & Seventy One
I’ll have some dessert please 🙂 My relaxing room would have the windows over looking the beach too.
Debo Hobo’s last blog post..FREE ADVERTISING SPACE!!!!
Great feast! Hope you have a great weekend!
Jennifer 🙂
Jennifer’s last blog post..Friday Feast
i want to sleep the whole day.
davao guy’s last blog post..The Truth About Davao’s Marvels
i want to have a relaxing place.