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The folks at Sunday Stealing rip off a meme from another blogger each Sunday. They give full credit and a link back to that author’s site, of course — and invite everyone to play along.

This week, “The Favorite Meme” comes from Life’s Little Adventures.

The Favorites Meme

1. Political show: It’s a toss-up between The Daily Show and Real Time with Bill Maher. Both are brilliant and allow me look at issues from different angles while making me laugh.

2. Picnic food: I neither camp nor picnic. But when I was forced to picnic as a child, I always enjoyed the macaroni salad.

3. Mixed drink: Greyhound (vodka and grapefruit juice).

4. U.S. President: I have great hope for Barack Obama’s presidency.

5. Kind of student to teach: Adults who are eager to acquire new information that will help them perform their duties more efficiently.

6. Hobby you do or wish you still did: I consider my musical pursuits to be my prime avocation. Before marrying and having children, I participated in community and college theatre productions. I would love to do that again, but it is so time-consuming that I think it will have to wait until retirement.

7. Sports commentator: John Madden.

8. Sport to watch on TV: Ice skating.

9. Animal to have as a pet: I’ve had dogs and cats over the years. Because I developed allergies a few years ago, I cannot own a cat again. I can only co-exist with my dogs by taking medications for the allergies. So at this point, I would have to say dogs.

10. Halloween costume you have worn: Clown.

11. Kind of dessert: Right now, the only dessert that comes to mind is pumpkin pie.

12. Comic strip: I really don’t have a favorite.

13. Ice cream flavor: Jamoca almond fudge.

14. News source: The Internet. I never buy magazines or newspapers. I just read lots of different periodicals online.

15. Vacation spot: Hawaii.

16. Wine: White Zinfandel.

17. Way to waste time instead of working: Memes like this one.

18. Reality show: Project Runway or Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style. I adore Tim Gunn.

19. Childrens movie: Sleeping Beauty.

20. Celebrity you wish would retire: There are so many to choose from, but the one that comes to mind is Tom Arnold. I was channel-surfing yesterday and actually found him hosting a reality show about “redneck” weddings. No joke. I watched about two minutes in complete disbelief. It was actually inspiring, though. It inspired me to turn the television off and do something productive with my time.


  1. Love Bill Maher! Have a great week ๐Ÿ™‚

    NurseExec´s most recent post: I’m COOKING!

  2. Jon Stewart rocks my socks.

    Totally forgot about macaroni salad!!!!

    Have a great week!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fishing Around´s most recent post: 1, 2, 3, 4

  3. Iced tea and apple pie are my favorite picnic food. I welcome U.S. President Obama with an open heart and mind. I do believe that he will succeed if everyone would help even in small ways. My drink when I want to skulk away from a boring party–Zombie. I don’t know what’s in it but I’d really feel like a zombie next morning (so I avoided going to boring parties). I don’t like tv but I sometimes watch Supernatural and Ghostwhisperer. I like Ms. Hewitt’s incredibly long lashes. Thank you for letting me share my personal memes. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Austin from Airsoft Rifles

    Interesting post, but I didn’t like that jab at Tom Arnold. I think he’s a lovable character, and I hope he never retires (or when he does, it’s the Grim Reaper who retires him, not of his own will).

    Austin from Airsoft Rifles´s most recent post: Types of Airsoft Pellets

  5. Just dropping in to see what’s what, and wish you and yours an absolutely fabulous holiday.
    Waving at you from New York,

    Frances´s most recent post: re: simpleology blogging course

  6. Kim Potter

    Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all. Christmas is on it’s way.

  7. casas rurales en zamora

    I agree that The Daily Show and Realtime are both politcal comedy shows but they are quite different in format and perspective.

  8. I agree with “casas rurales en zamora”. They both have different format in point of same political comedy show.I love daily show the most

    Monty J´s most recent post:

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