The folks at Sunday Stealing rip off a meme from another blogger each Sunday. They give full credit and a link back to that author’s site, of course — and invite everyone to play along.
This week, “The Favorite Meme” comes from Life’s Little Adventures.
The Favorites Meme
1. Political show: It’s a toss-up between The Daily Show and Real Time with Bill Maher. Both are brilliant and allow me look at issues from different angles while making me laugh.
2. Picnic food: I neither camp nor picnic. But when I was forced to picnic as a child, I always enjoyed the macaroni salad.
3. Mixed drink: Greyhound (vodka and grapefruit juice).
4. U.S. President: I have great hope for Barack Obama’s presidency.
5. Kind of student to teach: Adults who are eager to acquire new information that will help them perform their duties more efficiently.
6. Hobby you do or wish you still did: I consider my musical pursuits to be my prime avocation. Before marrying and having children, I participated in community and college theatre productions. I would love to do that again, but it is so time-consuming that I think it will have to wait until retirement.
7. Sports commentator: John Madden.
8. Sport to watch on TV: Ice skating.
9. Animal to have as a pet: I’ve had dogs and cats over the years. Because I developed allergies a few years ago, I cannot own a cat again. I can only co-exist with my dogs by taking medications for the allergies. So at this point, I would have to say dogs.
10. Halloween costume you have worn: Clown.
11. Kind of dessert: Right now, the only dessert that comes to mind is pumpkin pie.
12. Comic strip: I really don’t have a favorite.
13. Ice cream flavor: Jamoca almond fudge.
14. News source: The Internet. I never buy magazines or newspapers. I just read lots of different periodicals online.
15. Vacation spot: Hawaii.
16. Wine: White Zinfandel.
17. Way to waste time instead of working: Memes like this one.
18. Reality show: Project Runway or Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style. I adore Tim Gunn.
19. Childrens movie: Sleeping Beauty.
20. Celebrity you wish would retire: There are so many to choose from, but the one that comes to mind is Tom Arnold. I was channel-surfing yesterday and actually found him hosting a reality show about “redneck” weddings. No joke. I watched about two minutes in complete disbelief. It was actually inspiring, though. It inspired me to turn the television off and do something productive with my time.
I agree alot with you. Real Time and the Daily Show are excellent. And I share your optimism with Obama. Have a great day…
Bud Weiser´s most recent post: Keeping Better Records
Love Bill Maher! Have a great week ๐
NurseExec´s most recent post: I’m COOKING!
Jon Stewart rocks my socks.
Totally forgot about macaroni salad!!!!
Have a great week!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fishing Around´s most recent post: 1, 2, 3, 4
Iced tea and apple pie are my favorite picnic food. I welcome U.S. President Obama with an open heart and mind. I do believe that he will succeed if everyone would help even in small ways. My drink when I want to skulk away from a boring party–Zombie. I don’t know what’s in it but I’d really feel like a zombie next morning (so I avoided going to boring parties). I don’t like tv but I sometimes watch Supernatural and Ghostwhisperer. I like Ms. Hewitt’s incredibly long lashes. Thank you for letting me share my personal memes. ๐
Interesting post, but I didn’t like that jab at Tom Arnold. I think he’s a lovable character, and I hope he never retires (or when he does, it’s the Grim Reaper who retires him, not of his own will).
Austin from Airsoft Rifles´s most recent post: Types of Airsoft Pellets
Just dropping in to see what’s what, and wish you and yours an absolutely fabulous holiday.
Waving at you from New York,
Frances´s most recent post: re: simpleology blogging course
I also have a great hope for Obama’s presidency and like you I love the movie Sleeping Beauty. ๐
Dassnagar´s most recent post: Special Purpose Coil Processing Lines, coil dividing, roll forming, slitting, decoiling lines
Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all. Christmas is on it’s way.
I agree that The Daily Show and Realtime are both politcal comedy shows but they are quite different in format and perspective.
I agree with “casas rurales en zamora”. They both have different format in point of same political comedy show.I love daily show the most
Monty J´s most recent post: