Here’s my question for this edition:
When we walked out of my sister’s house last evening to head home, we noticed that a couple of her neighbors’ homes were brightly lit up by Christmas lights. Some folks had their Christmas trees visible from a window in the front of their house facing the street. Do you decorate your home for Christmas? If so, when do you put up your tree and/or other decorations?
My Answer:
We decorate but I refuse to do it before December 15th. This year, since my birthday is on Friday and we will be on vacation, we will probably put up the tree and other decorations that day. When I was growing up, we decorated a couple of weeks before Christmas and put everything away on New Year’s Day. New Year’s Eve was always the last night that our Christmas tree was lit. I have always stuck with that tradition.
My husband and granddaughter are napping and when they wake up we’ll put our tree up. It will take me a week to put all of Christmas up as I don’t take it all on in one day. We will take it all down before New Year’s or the day after. I don’t really remember what the tradition was while I was young. Even now it seems to be different every year.
pinkjagxj’s last blog post..Aloha Friday
We used to put our tree up the day after Thanksgiving but each year it seems to get a little later. lol I’m gonna try to get it up this weekend. I love the lights!
Sher :)’s last blog post..Aloha Friday!!!! TGIF
Happy thanksgiving! Eat your happy turkey!
satellite tv’s last blog post..Comcast to NFL:Cease and Desist
We will put up a tree probably in December. We left our tree and decor in our home country when we relocated. We need to buy stuff again.
MomG’s last blog post..Children Learn What They Live
In my country we don’t celebrate those kinds of celebrations. 🙂
Yes, we love decorating our home this Christmas. We haven’t put up our tree and decors yet. We’re scheduled to do it tom. My 4-yr old son is very excited.
Rach (Heart of Rachel)’s last blog post..Feel Secured
We finished decorating for Christmas, including putting up the Christmas tree. We usually do it after Thanksgiving, when we have so many leftovers and we do not have to worry about meals while decorating! 😉
Charlotte (Charmed Life)’s last blog post..Photo Hunt – Hot
This christmas is going to be special :), jsut like other years
Thanks for the comments on the blog.
I moved hosts and so my old email does not work but this one that I am commenting with does.
As for BYB, I am still doing it, but that is my other blog.
NeoBluePanther’s last blog post..I Don’t like changes but…
Sounds like a good concept. Now I’ll have another ting to look after come weekend,,
I’m getting married on 25 december, it’s going to be a hard day 🙂
hehe, I can see why you don’t want to decorate till the 15th but my Mom has already started with some green stuff draped around the cabinets…soon the tree will go up in front of the window along with candy canes and maybe even the nativity scene. She has all boys, so we don’t usually get to excited about this stuff but she loves it and honestly it adds to the feeling of the holiday
I definitely decorate the inside usually the day after Thanksgiving. This year I had to work so it will probably be done some time this week.
As for the outside, I would love do put up lights but we never get around to it. 😥
kailani’s last blog post..Traveling With Kids – Tip 2
Pingback: christmas trees
We wait until we all have the opportunity to go to a store together, usually Target. We each pick out an ornament. Then I put the year and the person’s name on each ornament, and we do our tree stuff.
Marie’s last blog post..Pass the Tofurkey
We put up our Christmas tree as early as the first week of December. 😉
Really? That is so cool! Longer holidays!