This week’s theme: Hobby

The last rehearsal!
On Tuesday, March 27, 2007, 110 musicians crammed into one of the ballrooms at the Sheraton Manhattan for one last rehearsal — one hour only! — prior to performing at Carnegie Hall the following evening. For most of the people in this picture, music is a hobby — a lifelong avocation — that led them all the way to New York City from their California homes to experience the privilege and honor of performing there.
For most of the folks in this picture (including those who earn their daily bread making music or teaching others to do so), that performance was an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime event.
Photo Hunt
I knew you would pick music as your hobby! And how fantastic that you got to play at Carnegie Hall – that had to be such an amazing thing! Now you can say that you know what it takes to get to Carnegie Hall!!
It’s a great hobby to have, wish I would have stuck with it!
I just noticed you had a custom domain. when did you buy it?
I’ve answer your question at Exploring Blogosphere. Go and read it.
I will Exercise for Comments!
Music is so relaxing both to play and listen to. I’m sure those who enjoyed your concert were as happy as those of you who performed. What a fabulous opportunity.
Music is a wonderful hobby to have. I’ve often wished I was musically inclined. I recently have been singing for my church, so my singing is improving.
I used one of my fave hobbies to show off two others…
I am so envious. I always wanted to do what you are doing. But at least I can play for myself and I love to do that.
It’s so great when something can bring so many people together for a common goal.
What a great hobby to have. I wish I was musically inclined!