This Week’s Theme: Broken My son’s school had a crab feed this evening. I do not like seafood. So I ate the tossed salad and a little spaghetti.I did…
Appetizer Have you been sick yet this winter? If so, what did you come down with? I woke up the day after Christmas with a terrible earache — swimmer’s ear…
Thirteen Things I Love About Water Aerobics 1. I can exercise strenuously and work up a good sweat, but I don’t care. I just splash some water on my forehead…
Those were the words I heard on the other end of the phone. The words that stunned me and left me speechless.
I know . . . hard to believe that I could be speechless. But I am still completely stymied when I think about it.
What I’d love to know is why.
Now that I have your attention . . . let’s talk about my love of music!
The Prompt: Goodbyes Who have you had to say goodbye to? What kinds of goodbyes? As we get older, the number of goodbyes we are required to say seems to multiply exponentially.…
“Too much information.” That’s what I hear from my kids sometimes, especially if I share details with them of what my life was like at their ages (almost 20 and…
This Week’s Theme: Gross This was a very challenging prompt! There were several photos that I wanted to use, but my kids weren’t having it! And I didn’t have the…
Appetizer What was one of the fashion fads when you were a teenager? Women’s clothing was bad enough, but for the guys? Remember the polyester shirt and pants in coordinating…
Thirteen Philosophies by Which I Try to Live My Life
1. Life isn’t fair and nobody ever said it would be, especially my mother. But there is Karma . . . what goes around will definitely come around. Hearing later about how it played out is just icing on the cake.
2. Hating someone or holding a grudge has no impact on the person who wronged you, but eats away at your own soul, so fuhgetaboutit and move on to something healthy, positive, enjoyable, and fulfilling. (Besides, see #1).
3. Despite the tendency to believe that “it’s all about me,” it really isn’t. Remember that and watch your outlook improve.
Yesterday we had a very enjoyable day. We “got out of Dodge” with our best friends, traveling to the Gold Country, the region of beautiful foothills where much of the great California Gold Rush played out.
Like us, our friends have two children. Their youngest daughter, a high school junior, was at home yesterday. When I casually asked, “What is she up to today?” we ended up having a great discussion about procrastination.
You see, my friends’ daughters take divergent approaches to writing projects. The oldest employs a very methodical approach, planning what she is going to write far ahead of time, creating an outline and, in the case of a large project with numerous components, gathering and organizing all of the information she needs before finally sitting down to start the process of writing. That process begins and is concluded well in advance of the project’s actual due date. She does not work well under the stress of a looming deadline.
The youngest daughter has a specific project coming due in several weeks, but no other deadlines bearing down on her at this time. Her older sister lent her advice and guidance about how to organize her work in order to finish by the due date, so my friends left her at home yesterday with instructions to spend the day completing her household chores and writing.
Given that I’ve known the girls their whole lives, I asked, “And how much writing do you think she will actually have done by the time you get home?”
The response? “None.”
Prompt #44: Chronicles Chronicle: A detailed narrative record or report. This prompt almost takes me full circle. I started this blog in March 2005, as Terri Schindler-Schiavo was being murdered.…
This week’s theme: Silver I know, I know . . . it is exactly what you expected to see, right? Well, the theme is silver and my flute is a…
Appetizer If you could take lessons to learn any musical instrument, which would you want to learn? I’m still totally enthralled with improving my flute playing. After all, the Delta…
I visited another blog this evening and contained in that individual’s thirteen for today was this statement: “I hate attorneys.” So that inspired me to present the . . .…
Ever feel like the guy in that cartoon? I sure do! Every writer suffers from “writer’s block” from time to time. For me, it takes a couple of forms, but…
Wild boys! That’s my nephew flying Matthew in for the first bite of his birthday cake!
Appetizer Which television shows do you just refuse to miss? I record most everything for viewing at a convenient time and so that I can fast-forward through commercials. I never…
1. He had a very dry, witty sense of humor.
He actually looked a bit like Henry Fonda and had a droll, dry sense of humor much like the character of Norman Thayer in “On Golden Pond.” (But my father’s humor was not biting or cruel.) Just when you least expected it . . . zing! you would find yourself laughing heartily.
Sunday Scribblings #42: Idea idea1. any conception existing in the mind as a result of mental understanding, awareness, or activity.2. a thought, conception, or notion: That is an excellent idea.3.…
~~ Featured in the Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Blog Carnival — July 2008 Edition at Overnight Sensation ~~ There are a number of ways that written materials can support…
I knew I would regret buying them cell phones!