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Friday’s Feast



Say there’s a book written about your life. Who would you want to narrate the audio version?

Janet Evanovich.


Take the letters from your favorite kind of nut and write a sentence. (Example: Perhaps every avenue needs understanding today.)

A little misogyny offends naturally delicate sensibilities.

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Describe your laundry routine. Do you have a certain day when you do it all, or do you just wash whatever you need for the next day?

I have yet to find the bottom of the pile. Ever. That’s all I’m saying about this subject. 😳


In your opinion, what age will you be when you’ll consider yourself to truly be old?


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On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest) how much do enjoy watching sports on television?


I watch very few sporting events . . . I really enjoy ice skating and basketball. I will watch a few other Olympic events, just for fun, if I happen to have a few free moments.

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What is your favorite fruit?

Oh, I can’t pick just one. I love bananas, oranges, peaches, apricots, grapes, plums, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries . . . ((Living here in California, we are blessed with many varieties of fresh fruit all year long. I grew up with peach, orange, lemon and apricot trees in the backyard. Plus, Lodi is wine country so we always enjoy luscious, delicious grapes.))

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How many pieces of jewelry do you wear most days?A minimum of four: 2 earrings in each ear, although I actually have 4 holes in each earlobe, so most days I wear 8 earrings. I also wear my favorite necklace and a watch. I infrequently wear rings because I have carpal tunnel syndrome which causes my fingers to be tingly and somewhat numb all the time, so rings bug me.

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Name a funny habit you have.

I think with my tongue. I don’t even realize I’m doing it, but when I really concentrate or exert, I stick my tongue out. My friends in water aerobics class were laughing at me the other day because I was doing it while pumping weights.

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Fill in the blank: The best thing about where I live is _________________ . . .

. . . the fact that I don’t have to wonder about the home’s history such as when certain improvements were made or why repairs were done a certain way. Since my parents built this house in 1959, I know all of that information — and have all of the paperwork, too.

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