Author Mari L. McCarthy is very straight-forward and honest in her Introduction to 27 Days of Journaling to Health & Happiness: “I’ll tell you right now that if you’re not able to commit for 27 consecutive days, you can put this workbook down until you are able to commit.” Plainly, she has written 27 Days of Journaling to Health & Happiness for a specific audience of folks who are truly interested in reaping the psychological and physiological benefits of a daily regime that includes spending time alone, writing. McCarthy promises that those who make the commitment will result in decreased symptoms of medical conditions/diseases, improved cognitive functioning, a strengthened immune system, and a reduction in the negative impact of stress.
As noted above, in order for McCarthy’s system to provide maximum benefits, a commitment to spending time working through a single writing exercise each and every day for a period of 27 days is mandatory. McCarthy recommends purchasing a special notebook and pen specifically for this purpose and reserving a special place in your home or workspace to which you can retreat each day without having to first deal with clutter or interruptions.
The more you journal, the more you realize that you have an endless supply of ideas, thoughts, impressions. You realize that you never run out of ideas, even if sometimes you may lack the will to access them. You see that writer’s block is about your willingness, and not about an actual dearth of ideas.~ Author Mari L. McCarthy
27 Days of Journaling to Health and Happiness provides a narrative specially geared toward each day’s theme, accompanied by an inspirational quote about the topic, writing exercise(s), and even a list of book suggestions for further reading. The theme for Day One is, appropriately enough, A is for Awareness. Other topics include Bring Back My Body to Me, Let’s Start at the Very Beginning, What the Health?, Food, Glorious Food, Goal for It, If Only They’d . . . , Beautiful Music, Coming into Consciousness, and That’s the Spirit. At the end of the twenty-seven day journey, McCarthy encourages journalists to continue making journaling for the health of it part of their normal daily routine in order to reap the ongoing benefits which include:
Included on the list of highly successful people who journal is none other than Oprah Winfrey. She has spoken often about and frequently shared entries from the journals she has maintained since she was only fifteen years old. Noting that as a young woman, she used her journals as therapy, Oprah observes: “In my 40s, I got wiser. I started using journals to express my gratitude—and watched my blessings multiply. What you focus on expands.”
Enter to win a copy of 27 Days of Journaling to Health & Happiness
Are you willing to commit to do the work in order to experience the many benefits that can be derived through journaling? Author Mari L. McCarthy has graciously agreed to provide a copy of 27 Days of Journaling to Health and Happiness to one lucky reader who can choose whether to receive the book in print or e-book format.
To enter, simply post a comment briefly stating why you would like to commit to 27 Days of Journaling to Health & Happiness. Be sure to include your email address (for notification and delivery purposes). The book can only be shipped to a United States or Canadian address (no P.O. box).
The comment posted by Taffy Lovell at Taffy’s Writings was selected at random! A copy of 27 Days of Journaling to Health & Happiness was sent to Taffy!
Sounds like a great book! THANKS for the giveaway!
I would commit to it to improve my writing skills
This book sounds very helpful. I have been trying to journal daily but with kids, husband, house work, life, I have not been able to. This book would help me commit and have no more excuses.
Hi. I have finally finished spring semester college night classes and have a break until fall, finally started my blog to get me writing again…there’s just enough time between work, kids, and blogging to dedicate myself to taking care of my body and soul. I have been wondering how to get this weight off from my son’s birth 5 years ago and doing it without starving myself. I actually just wrote a post on my blog about my eating habits and how they sadden me. I think I canuse 27 days to get me back on track…and an added bonus is that it will get me writing about what I need to let go.
I am very interested in this workbook giveaway and hope I win!
I struggle with self happiness so I think this would be useful.
My 90 year-old father-in-law recently broke his hip on a trip to San Francisco. Today is his 10th day in the hospital there and I’m here with him. Journaling is the only thing that helps keep me. It helps me find grace and acceptance in this difficult situation. I’d enjoy reading the book 27 Days to Health and Happiness. It would be wonderful if Dad were well enough to come home to Tucson in 27 Days. I’d surely love to share the book with Dad so we can both journal about our experience and find the happiness in it.
I would love to start my journey toward health and happiness. It’s been a long year! captainliss40(at)gmail(dot)com
Thank you for hosting me. Journaling transforms your life one page at a time. Journaling is for everyone and for dealing with every life. WriteON!
I’m one of those interested individuals mentioned above, i.e, interested in reaping psychological and physiological benefits. I like this book very much. The review was well written that makes me wanna grab a copy of mine. =) Thanks for the post.
I have never kept a journal and I would like to see if this is something I would like to do.
I never have any time to step back and relax. This book would be a nice break from all of my college/medical schoolbooks. Thank you so much for this giveaway edysicecreamlover18ATgmailDOTcom
I would like to learn how to handle my stress so I can keep my Multiple Sclerosis under control.
Stress……need to handle it ……thanks for the giveaway!!!
GFC follower
I love writing and I’ve often thought of starting a book. So I started one like maybe a year ago, and never got past the 3 page. That’s when I really started appreciating the work authors put into writing. I’m hoping that this book will give me a little insight in how to write a nice long book 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
I love to write, but I don’t seem to have time or maybe make enough time to do it. This sounds perfect.
I would hope it would inspire me to get into a habit of writing daily.
meredithfl at gmail dot com