I am privileged to welcome author Eve Marie Mont! Eve’s debut novel, Free to a Good Home, garnered excellent reviews and was warmly embraced by readers. Read my review here.
Coming of Age at Any Age
Eve Marie Mont
When I first began writing Free to a Good Home, I had just turned thirty-five, that magical age when I assumed I’d have my life all figured out. The goals listed on my ten-year-plan would be neatly crossed off, all my ducks in their proverbial rows. And to some extent, they were. Marriage to a great guy? Check. House in the suburbs? Check. Rewarding job? Check.
But when I examined my life more closely, I realized it only vaguely resembled the one I had imagined when I was in my twenties. Where were the two adorable children named Emma and Charlie, spaced three years apart? Where was the perfectly appointed house that didn’t flood every time it rained? Where were the trips to Paris and Greece that I somehow imagined I’d be able to afford on a teacher’s salary? And why, despite loving my job, did I still have this itch to write about fictional people and places?
The older I get, the more I realize that those imaginary checkpoints we set for ourselves don’t matter as much as we think. Sure, it’s important to set goals and to have dreams, but sometimes life sets us on a trajectory of its own, and we find we’ve strayed far from the path we’d once envisioned. The good news is, for everything we thought we wanted that didn’t materialize, something unexpected arrives in its place, changing our lives in ways we never imagined.
The second inspiration for Free to a Good Home was my mother-in-law, Anne Mont, who passed away this May after a courageous battle with Lou Gehrig’s disease. Movies and books tell us a mother-in-law is the scourge of the married woman, forever raising her eyebrow in disapproval or making snarky comments about our lax domestic skills. I never imagined that my mother-in-law would be one of the most supportive and nurturing people in my life, or that she would end up being one of my biggest fans. Through the way she lived her life, I have learned how to give more selflessly, to persevere with grace, to support those I love, and to appreciate all that life has given me.
In a scene from one of my favorite movies, Miracle on 34th Street, Maureen O’Hara plays an ambitious career woman who subscribes to a no-nonsense philosophy that doesn’t allow for distractions, or as she calls them, “intangibles.” Her love interest, played by the endearing John Payne, warns her not to overlook those lovely intangibles. “You’ll soon discover,” he says, “those are the only things that are worthwhile.”
I’ve come to believe that having at all figured out isn’t about completing a checklist of accomplishments or acquisitions; it’s about discovering that kindness and love and joy—those “lovely intangibles”—are what makes life worth living. And in my opinion, that’s a lesson it’s never too late to learn.
What’s the best lesson you learned from a pet or a loved one?
Meet Eve
Eve lives with her husband, Ken, and her shelter dog, Maggie, in suburban Philadelphia, where she teaches high school English and creative writing. Free to a Good Home is her first novel.
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Betty at Reflections With Coffee was selected at random as the winner!
[New Post] Guest Post and Giveaway: Coming of Age at Any Age https://www.jhsiess.com/2010/10/04/guest-…
That was a lovely interview!
Not entering the contest, but I would just like to say that, indeed, our loved ones , pets or people, are always there for us and they teach us the power of forgiveness and that we can be strong when we seek refuge and support in our family!
That was an interesting interview. Our animals have definitely taught us that the care and love you give will come back to you.
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I follow on google maureen emmons
I learned unconditional love from my dogs and kitty.
Love & Hugs,
i learned unconditional love from bella, a sweet puppy.
email subscriber 🙂
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My dog has taught me to enjoy the simple things in life, like being happy just enjoying going for a walk or spending time with family, she gets so much joy out of practically nothing so why can’t I get that same joy? She also has taught me the true value of love and devotion.
They always love you no matter what!
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My pets have taught me unconditional love. No matter what it is, opening mail, watching tv-etc-all they want is to be with you. I always stop what I am doing and take time to play with them.
cococroissants follows on twitter. 👿 😈
I could not resist the faces.
They taught me about innocence and the joy that comes with it.
I’m following on GFC with headlessfowl.
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😛 My pets have taught to truly enjoy life, dwell in the now instead of yesterday or tomorrow. 😛
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Carolee888 See this link for for a giveway for “Free to a Good Home’ https://www.jhsiess.com/
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Be loving,caring,and respectful to your spouse/loved ones every day and not just on special occasions(b-days,anniversaries,holidays,etc). This is hubby’s philosophy.
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I learned to love my pets because they love me too.
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I think I learned how fleeting life is from my dad. I’ll never take that for granted again.
I just commented on your review before I entered the giveaway!
I follow you on twitter @blueviolet
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I follow you on networked blogs now.
The best thing that I’ve learned from a pet…is how intuitive they are, and how on the worst day, the most depressed day, one look or cuddle from them, and it eases the stress.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
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I have learned the art of compassion and understanding. How after a dog has done something bad that they look up to with you those sad little eyes and let you know how much they love and depend on you that it just warms your little heart.
tara @ novamommies dot com
I have learned that love is truly all a pet wants and desires and that I can definitely give no matter how broke I am!
I just posted this at win a book!
I learned unconditional love from my sweet spaniel, Molly.
Thank you so much for the give!!!
Would love to read this! Enjoyed reading about the author.
Subscribe by email bmcbroom at gmail dot com
The best lesson learned from my pets is the unconditional love and the way they like to cuddle. My 16-year-old cat is lying on my side while I’m in bed typing on my laptop.
already a GFC follower of Colloquium
Betty – Reflections with Coffee
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The best lesson I learned is that love defeats all and happiness and whatever that is to you is really what’s most important. My loving family has taught me that.
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com
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If this book has anything to do with dogs I’m in. I have two BIG dogs who are the biggest babies. Oden my first pet away from home a chocolate lab that is always waiting for me, following me and is the easiest going dog one cold ever imagine and Tank who is a tank truly, topping the vet scale at 150 (won’t go any higher) but such a baby who just wants to lie around and have his belly rubbed. I could go without sad parts in the book though as it sounds like it has some. When I read Marley and Me I bawled through the whole book, couldn’t put it down until I was finished, though.
Don’t worry. What really IS the worst thing that will happen if someone takes the purse you accidently left at the restaurant. My husband taught me to think things like that through practically in stead of stressing over them (though I still do sometimes).
ecarian at yahoo dot com
Oh my I would have to say Patience…my rescue dog drives me crazy daily, but she is so full of love that all the time I put into her is completely worth while.
Would love to read this sweet book 🙂
stacybooks at yahoo