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1. The return of spring is so exciting!

2. Strawberry fields forever, of course.

3. Bailey’s sounds like it would taste delicious!

4. Why does having absolutely nothing to do on Sunday mornings make me feel so good?

5. A Norwegian fjord is something I’ve always wanted to see.

6. It’s sad when a person you thought had integrity disappoints you.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to relaxing and getting caught up on this week’s episodes of In Treatment, tomorrow my plans include water aerobics, and Sunday, I want to sleep late and have a nice brunch with my boys.


  1. Hmmmmm…some Bailey’s would be delicious.
    Have a wonderful Sunday brunch with your boys ๐Ÿ™‚

    Frances’s last blog post..trying to get it in gear here

  2. World Directory

    Yes it is wonderful to wake up to a new fresh Sunday and knowing that there is nothing that I need to do… mmmm….

  3. Oh, man, I wish the warm weather of spring would get here!

    Thanks for playing ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Spring has arrived and it’s the most awesome time of the year. And you have some really relaxed and cool way to spend the weekend.

    Eva White’s last blog post..Bizarre Laws (Part II)

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