On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 as highest), how much do you like your own handwriting?
I don’t write much any more, so it isn’t as neat as it used to be. But I have a forgery-proof signature. Took me years to perfect it, too!
Do you prefer baths or showers?
I can’t even remember the last time I took a bath. My house has three bathrooms — two have showers and one has a bathtub that no one has used for years. Most of the time, it ends up being a temporary extra clothes hamper. I tend to throw my items that need to be dry cleaned in it so that I remember to drop them off at the dry cleaner.
What was the last bad movie you watched?
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End. It made absolutely no sense, so I gave up and sent the DVD back to Netflix.
Main Course
Name something you are addicted to and describe how it affects your life.
Food. I’ve posted photos of myself here. No further explanation needed.
Which instrument is your favorite to listen to?
Since I’m a musician, I can’t answer that question. I love them all!
I don’t know anymore how my handwriting looks now, lol ! I always use my computer for writing.
food addiction.. 🙂 something i’m familiar with.. such a great pleasure and joy in life.. lol
Link Building’s last blog post..Link Popularity, Link Reputation & PageRank™
Three bathrooms. Wow!
Showering works Ok on normal days.
My friday’s feast is ready for you. Have a great weekend!
laane’s last blog post..friday’s feast
Interesting course and questions. About 4 on my handwriting; don’t have as many bathrooms as you but prefer showers; can’t remember the last bad movie; addiction could be potato chips but I don’t try to have any in the house; favorite instrument – oh it’s hard to pick one over another. I love them all too.
Thanks for sharing with us a little about you and for this post. Enjoy your Friday and enjoy your feast.
Pat R’s last blog post..WE LIVE IN AN AMAZING WORLD!!
I liked your soup. i think it was just awesome……….
Eva White’s last blog post..Bizarre Laws (Part II)
you must be so relaxed while you had the meal. the description of the meal gives me the feel like that.
Oh I like the Friday because its our holiday and I do many thing at this day. I do a feast at this day and I make the feast with my 8 years old girl.