The manner in which Memorial Day is observed at Cherokee Memorial Park here in Lodi is different and unique. I know of no other cemetery that makes such an effort to honor those who have served the United States. Each of the large flags and the flagpole bearing it has been donated by the family of a veteran whose final resting place is the park. The number of flags flown gets larger every year. Each of the small flags represents a man or woman who has given his/her life in the current conflict in Iraq.
My father, a World War II veteran, loved to visit the park on Memorial Day each year to see all of the flags. He was accorded full military honors at his funeral and we immediately donated the flag that was presented to my mother because we knew that was his wish. I took this photo of my mother and boys standing beside his flag in about 1993 or so.

It’s so good to see veterans commemorated so well. Each year there is a field of remembrance by Westminster Abbey in London. People put down crosses with poppoes on to commemorate fallen family members. Just before Remembraqnce Sunday it is such a moving sight. Happy weekend
You’re getting a different reaction from me too…..I normally don’t get chills viewing SPH photos, but this one gave me goose flesh. How awesome.
My Photo Hunt Different is shared, I hope, if you haven’t already, drop by and pay a visit. Happy weekend.
That’s beautiful – more places should be able to do this.
Jake’s last blog post..Jake talks about Opera, StumbleUpon, and Twitter
Oh thats cool shot. Happy hunting…
genny’s last blog post..Friday Fill-Ins
I teared up reading it.
Thanks for sharing.
Frances’s last blog post..Saturday Photo Hunt March 8th 2008
this touches the old sarge’s heart.
sarge charlie’s last blog post..Saturday Photo Scavangers Hunt, Different
Just so you know, I also read your 13 reasons why I should have know your father, excellent post.
sarge charlie’s last blog post..Saturday Photo Scavangers Hunt, Different
Beautiful and touching tradition. Have a great week.
I like the way the Memorial Day at Cherokee Memorial Park in Lodi is celebrated. It reminds us of the great contributions of the ancestors in raising the level of the country.
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What a great shot. Happy (photo) hunting!
Stacie (The Twinkies)’s last blog post..By: changeiam
Beautiful photo, it has to bring so many memories … I don’t always support the government but I strongly support our soldiers and veterans. They are real modern day heroes.
That is a pretty awesome sight! I can just imagine seeing it in person! Wow!
kailani’s last blog post..From Smiles to Utter Chaos
Hey, I just wanted to say “wow”! All those American flags give me chills looking at them (good chills!). That’s really a site to behold. Proud to be an American 🙂