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  1. OH reminds me of my mom and dads pictures, so great!

    Very nice! Great Wordless Wednesday!
    Come see who had a birthday!

    Deb’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – Birthday edition!

  2. Rach (Heart of Rachel)

    It’s such a sweet photo. Thanks for sharing.

    Rach (Heart of Rachel)’s last blog post..Recipe for Rachel

  3. Photography!

    Photography! Love it – and thats a really GREAT one. Those old photos really remind me to sieze the day – it won’t be long before people are looking at our colour photo’s and thinking about our present as their past. Kinda freaks me out a little thinking about it.

  4. That’s such a cute photograph. It reminds me of those olden times snaps. My mom keeps telling me about the lifestyle of those times. It must have been so different.

    Eva White’s last blog post..Cheapest Car Launching In 2009

    • JHS

      Dear eastcoastlife: I’m not sure whether to laugh or cry. That is NOT me. That is a photo of my parents taken during WWII. Do you really think I’m THAT old? Holy moly.

      On the positive side, thanks for thinking that I ever looked at pretty as my mother in her youth. I am flattered. Alas, she was much prettier than I have ever been.

  5. I didn’t participate in WW this week (last week, whatever) but I stopped by here to see what you’d written lately, and was struck by this picture…it’s lovely. Your mother is gorgeous, your father dapper.

  6. Looking over en sepia photos brings back a lot of memories. This picture spells LOVE.

  7. Nothing beats old photos. They’re so natural for there was no editing of pictures back then. What you see is what you get. Lovely pic, worth sharing.

  8. This picture brings back really good memories to me. My parents used to have a box load of them but was destroyed when our ancestral house caught fire some years ago. A visual actualization from the past, saved and embedded in our minds.

  9. Who is that happy couple?

    kailani’s last blog post..Monday Round-Up

  10. Janie said it was the picture of her parents during WWII.

    Nice photo by the way, I like the sepia touch.

    Saedel’s last blog post..10 Drafts and a Focus

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