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. . . Matthew!



    • He’s not quite ready to drive yet. Kids these days are not as anxious as we were. I was driving before I was 15 and had my permit shortly after my 15th birthday. I remember being mortified that we were in South Dakota on vacation on my 16th birthday & I had to wait until we got home to go to the DMV for my test. My oldest son was the same way . . . I think he was 17 when he got his license. My friends’ kids are all the same way. They drive when they are ready.

  1. Your Matthew is handsome too. I know that Matthew is also the first book of the NT. What a coincidence of 16 and Nov 16. It’s a day of love you will always remember.

    Mine is up for the first time. Do come and share your thoughts.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    jesie’s last blog post..PhotoHunt – I Love This Couple!

  2. Happy birthday to Mathew! ohh so ready for a driver license..Wish you the best in life a head of you!
    Happy HUNT! :mrgreen:

    liza’s last blog post..Yahay Finally!!..

  3. Happy Belated Birthday Matthew! What a proud Mommy moment!

    Thank you for sharing this with the Carnival of Family Life. Your post will be included in the November 19th edition at An Island Life. Aloha! πŸ˜†

    kailani’s last blog post..Giveaway: Mom Spit

  4. Pingback: An Island Life  Welcome Home to the Carnival of Family Life

  5. Hair Loss Solution

    Mathew is looking very cute, specially the young mathew.

  6. Rob at Kintropy

    Happy birthday, Matthew! My younger brother shares your name (as his middle name – although my parents left out one of the “Ts”). Very cool name.

  7. Gift from God? That’s a good name to give my future son.

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