What was your first “real” job?
The first job for which I earned money was working in the music department at my high school. I organized and filed music in the library. I believe that I made about $1.25 per hour. When I graduated from high school in 1974, I spent that summer working at Straw Hat Pizza for $2.00 per hour. I saved up enough money to buy myself a beautiful Fender classical guitar. I still have it.
Where would you go if you wanted to spark your creativity?
A beach. Always a beach.
Complete this sentence: I am embarrassed when . . .
I run into a schoolmate and don’t recognize them.
Main Course
What values did your parents instill in you?
Work hard and earn an honest living.
Save money for a “rainy day.”
Never be a burden on others.
Make your own way in the world. My mother, in particular, always told me to finish my education and establish my own career so that I would be able to earn a living and “never be dependent upon a man.”
Always pay your bills and never be in debt.
Name 3 fads from your teenage years.
Platform shoes.
Mood rings.
For guys: Ugly polyester leisure suits worn with cheesy white fake patent leather shoes and a matching belt.
WOW! It’s amazing what a little parental guidance can DO for ya! That’s great!
I reckon you grew up with the BeeGee’s, huh?
melli’s last blog post..Friday Feast # 169 … & … Aloha Friday!
What dedication! I’m glad you still have that very first thing you bought with your hard-earned money.
bonggamom’s last blog post..Fridays Feast #169
what a great first job!! I would love to spark my creativity at the beach!! great feast this week!!
And Miles To Go…’s last blog post..Friday Feast (#26)
I love beaches. I agree with your soup. 🙂
Great values! Have a good weekend!
Natalie’s last blog post..Friday’s Feast 11/16
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Beaches can be very inspirational – I’m lucky to live close to several. I also got taught by my mother never to be man-dependent. Have a great weekend!
Siani’s last blog post..Friday’s Feast
I love mood rings.. I think the values your mom gave you are ones that we should all follow. I think if you follow things like this you can save yourself a lot of grief in the future. Blessings…
Lori Madison’s last blog post..Friday Feast
Mood rings…I believe they are coming back!! Great values your parents gave you!!!!
This and That’s last blog post..Friday’s Feast
I agree on your salad. Happens to me often. Happy weekend!
liza’s last blog post..Friday’s Feast #1
Nice Friday post! I posted mine, please come by and visit!
Deb’s last blog post..Fridays Feast for the Brain!
Oh yeah! Your salad is embarrassing! Enjoyed your feast.ellen b’s last blog post..Friday Feast #10
I still have a moodring that works.
The kids love it.
Feel welcome to visit me at:
Laane’s feast
Have a great weekend!
Laane’s last blog post..friday’s feast
My first job was working in a baseball card shop. I was 12. I got paid in baseball cards at the end of every day. At the time I could not have had a better job.
Definitely a lovely inspiring beach scene.
Great values for your main course.
I remember the polyester leisure suits but I only remember the white patent shoes from movies.
Happy Friday!
Eleisia’s last blog post..Friday Feast
I know what you mean about the beach. If you ask me, it’s the ONLY place to go for real inspiration. Love that photo!
Thank you! I took it in June 2005 when the Stockton Concert Band (in which I play flute) traveled to Hawaii and performed two concerts there. I snapped that photo at sunset from the lawn of the Sheraton Alamoana Hotel in Honolulu where the band had just enjoyed a banquet. We were all hanging out on the grass, digesting and enjoying a little more wine, watching the folks on the beach. 🙂
I love the beach too. I liked the picture that you have put up in your post. When I am sad, happy, want to think or just want some time alone with myself then I go to the beach and spend hours and hours gazing at the sea.