This week’s theme: Tiny

When I look at these photos of myself at my sister’s wedding, I think that I look
tiny in comparison to how I look now. I wish that dress would fit like that now. Most of all, I wish that I still had just that one
tiny chin!

Photo Hunters
Oh, I can so totally relate. Clever choice for The Hunt!
I look back at old pics and think the exact same thing, depressing isn’t it!!
Mine is up 🙂
Great shots. It usually never happen. Same here. Wishing you a calm, happy and lovely weekend!
I’m sorry…I was in the same boat. But I lost 130# – a whole person! It’s been six years and I’ve gained 30# but I’ve held at my present weight for the longest time, so I must be at the right place.
It’s an awful place to be. And people do treat you differently! I wish you the greatest success in your endeavours.
You are still the same person on the inside and that is where the real beauty is. I am wishing you success in reaching your goal. Great choice for this weeks theme. Have a great weekend, and thanks for sharing.
Well, here’s to keeping fit and good health! 🙂
Many wishes for success. But, I do have to agree with kissalotoftoads [above] You ARE the same person, inside!!
Happy hunting.
My old photos are locked somewhere and can’t be opened. I only access them if I want to cry! lol
what a beautiful dress!! What a great photo of you two. Beautiful!
great shot you had… it must be a nice moment that time…
mine’s up too… check it out…
have a nice weekend… cheers
Thank you all for stopping by to visit!
kissalotoftoads, Anni, Miles to Go: You’re very sweet!
Breigh: It’s a weird combination of depressing and inspiring. Will have to write more about it, I guess.
Gracie: 130#!! Wow! What an accomplishment and keeping off 100# is an amazing feat! Most people gain back the weight– and more — as you know. Did you have surgery? I refuse to do that. I don’t know that I would even be a candidate because I’m otherwise healthy. But even if I were, I would not do it. I’ll have to write more about that, too.
What a beautiful photo of you two. You look like angels!
I am SO with you on this one! I look back on pictures where I thought I was fat and compared to now … oh no I wasn’t! It’s enough to make a grown woman cry!!
heh cute. 🙂